Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A Letter To My Dearest Imo

 Joy Udeokoro

Dearest Imo,

The heartland of Africa,

A land most important than all,

A land so enterprising,

One from whom every other tap,

You're not without fun, always welcoming, as your capital is known for great entertainment and relaxation; spanning from ofe owerri to egwu owerri.

Wow! 48 is a whole lot of steps to have climbed already.

How time rolls out so quickly! 

Imo, my mix of fun and knowledge...

Can I ever forget?

I still remember how I walked and played all over you on my bare feet, I can remember how I sat under you to learn, unlearn and relearn. So many things I know today, their foundation were formed under you. How proud I was of you, boo. I remember singing your praise too, seeing nothing but a brighter and happier future in you, trusting that things would only get better with and for you. However, you let down your guards, letting the little foxes in, and today your vines witness spoils and dryness.

My innocent is corrupt,

My stainless is bloodstained,

My pride is shameless,

My highly priced losing its worth.

You've swerved and swerved until you've lost your bearing!

Who says you can't eat from your wares, but eating your children alongside their future isn't wisdom!

You've negotiate with your enemies and sold your kids for a price, leaving your gates so vulnerable for your enemies!

Giving their armies room to molest you!

Just like the proverb of Solomon, what can we do to help our Imo?

Do we still have a little hope to hinge on?

Could there still be a little fire left in the woods to blow up?

Is there still balm in our Gilead? 

I ask on behalf of Sam Mbakwe (Late His Excellency).


I miss the owerri beats so badly, 

I miss the constant buzz on TVs and radios, "heartland fm owerreee"!

I miss "the committee nchere oge" part of your news!


It's all about greed, hate, death, fear, jealousy, wealth and power tussle birthing enmity!

Brother against brother, Kinsmen against kinsmen, 

All for wealth and power!


Oh! Dearest Imo,

I miss the joy of home coming!

I miss your gentle breeze that reminds me I'm home!

I miss your various veggies that grace the looks of our delicacies!

I'm now scared of coming to my once delight! Let's I become a prey in the hands of he who's supposed to shield me!

I'm not giving up on you, nonetheless!

The acclaimed strong grips will definitely grow weak one day and let go, 

My Imo will heal again!

My Imo will rise again!

My Imo will be my pride again!

*Cheers To A Blissful, Beautiful and Fruitful 48.*


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