Saturday, January 20, 2024

Uzodimma’s War on Waste, Nworieubi indigenes applaud Governor, expect more in his second term

By Nneoma Ahukanna and Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

On  Monday the 15th of January 2024, history was once again made in Imo state when  Distinguished  Senator Hope Uzodimma was sworn in  as Executive Governor of the state for the  second term in office  after having won overwhelmingly in the 27 local government  areas  at  the November  11 2023 gubernatorial  polls.

The reason for this according to the generality of the Imo populace is because of his superlative performance throughout his first term in office piloting the affairs of the State.

Generally, most people assess leadership based on achievements in areas like roads, jobs, and pay. However, a great leader’s primary responsibility should be safeguarding the health of the people. Unfortunately, the significance of maintaining clean surroundings often goes unnoticed.

The most effective leaders prioritise the well-being of their people, and Governor Hope Uzodimma exemplifies this commitment. In his first 4years he fulfilled his promise to the people of Imo State by providing numerous trucks for trash disposal and over 10,000 bins to enhance environmental cleanliness during his first tenure. This initiative not only promotes cleanliness but also attracts new opportunities for the state.

When   talking about climate change, it’s important to note that individuals, play a big part in making it better or worse. Surprisingly, 80 percent of climate change results from human actions. One significant contributor is improper trash disposal, where litter left in public places—such as streets, markets, beaches, or roads—contributes to climate problems.

Promoting responsible trash disposal and environmental care not only improves community health but also plays a part in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change.

Now, the pressing question is: How does waste contribute to climate change? Recent research suggests that trash may be playing a more substantial role in climate change than previously believed. When we encounter large heaps of waste dumped by the roadside, in forests, or at non-designated sites during drives or walks, the initial impact is environmental pollution. These neglected wastes break down over time, releasing toxic gases and chemicals into the air, soil, and waterways. Notably, one of these gases is methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

In Nworieubi, a major semi urban town in Mbaitoli local government area for example, studies indicate that in Mbaitoli, each household generates about 1 ton of domestic waste annually, suggesting Imo State may dispose of around 500 tons of waste per year. Waste in landfills emits methane gas, further contributing to climate change. Thus, by prioritising proper waste removal, the governor is actively contributing to the fight against climate change.

Research reveals that landfills are the third-leading cause of methane emissions in the state, suggesting that more trash leads to more emissions. Fortunately, Imo State has undergone positive changes under Governor Hope Uzodimma’s leadership. The regular environmental cleanup every last Saturday has made a significant difference, not only making the state cleaner but also enhancing its beauty.

Every last Saturday of the month, people in Imo State join hands to keep their houses and environment clean. This effort instills a sense of responsibility for the environment among residents, whether they live in town or rural areas.

The positive change is evident in the streets and public spaces of Imo State. Instances of litter on the roads have significantly reduced, some markets are well-maintained, and pathways are kept tidy. This reflects the unwavering commitment of the people of Imo State. Areas that were once disordered and neglected are now organised and clean, contributing to a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere for everyone.

Beyond the physical improvements, the cleanup is contributing to residents’ health. Cleaner surroundings mean fewer diseases, and people are leading healthier lives. Taking pride in keeping things clean has fostered a sense of community, encouraging everyone to share the responsibility for the state’s well-being.

More than just a cleanup, the Saturday event showcases unity and teamwork. People from all walks of life participate, breaking down social barriers. The friendships formed during these cleanups strengthen the community, with everyone realising the importance of working together for a better future.

Under Governor Hope Uzodimma’s leadership, Imo State is heading towards a future where caring for the environment and appreciating its beauty go hand in hand. The monthly environmental cleanup on the last Saturday demonstrates the power of a united community working towards a common goal, turning Imo State into a shining example of what collective effort can achieve.

Comrade Nwaiwu Chinoso, Chairman of the United Imo Youth Movement and concurrently serving as the Chairman of Nwaorieubi City Market, expressed his views on the governor’s initiatives in sanitation during an interview. According to him, ‘In terms of what the governor has done on sanitation, he has done tremendously well. You will agree with me that from Akwakuma junction to Umueze Junction, there used to be heaps of refuse, but today you barely see those refuse on the road because Imo State Sanitation is at work, and they are in charge of that.’

Zooming in on the impact within the market, Chinoso, who also acknowledged seeking inspiration from the governor, stated, ‘As the chairman of this Nwaorieubi market, I have borrowed from the governor, and I’ve been able to do that through the immediate past Sole Administrator (SoLad) of Mbaitoli, Honourable Hamilton Chinasa Opara. The market is now a happy place, and everywhere is in order. Market dwellers are conducting their business in a serene environment without dirt.’ He emphasised the positive changes achieved within the timeframe of his tenure as the market chairman.

Chinoso’s remarks shed light on the tangible improvements in sanitation, attributing the positive transformation to the proactive measures implemented by the Imo State Sanitation team. The endorsement from the chairman also highlights the collaborative efforts and support from local representatives, contributing to a cleaner and more conducive environment for businesses within Nwaorieubi City Market.

Basil Ohanaka, one of the leaders in Umudurumba, Uba Ifakala, said, ‘From Owerri to Mbaitoli, we never had cleanliness before. There were garbage dumps everywhere, but since Hope Uzodimma became the governor, everything has improved. However, the problem is, inside the villages, there are still dumps. It would be good if sanitation could be extended to these areas.’

He also mentioned, ‘Yes, we do our best to clean here at least every last Saturday of the month. But I urge the governor to help leaders in rural communities by giving them graders and trucks to remove the dirt. We hope this term will be free from hunger. Honestly, the governor did very well in his last term, and we hope he does even more this time.’

Mrs. Iwu Leticia Adaku, Director of Environmental Services in Mbaitoli Local Government Area, expressed her observations on the improvements in waste management initiated by Governor Hope Uzodimma. She stated, ‘First, I will start with refuse disposal. If I may say, the governor is making commendable efforts. Unlike before, there were particular spots in the Mbaitoli axis known as permanent refuse dumps. Regardless of the season, you would always find refuse there. However, since the governor assumed office, those spots that were notorious for permanent refuse dumps are no longer present. We no longer see refuse along Ogbaku-Onitsha road and Mbaitoli-Orlu Road; there are no refuse dumps there. Even if there are refuse dumps, they no longer last more than two days. We no longer have bad odors. Before, some of those refuse dumps occupied the roads. I commend the governor because he is doing well in refuse disposal, and people no longer dispose of their refuse indiscriminately. Everything has stopped.’

Mrs. Iwu Leticia continued, addressing the situation at Egbeada road, stating, ‘At Egbeada road, though there are some refuse, it is not much. However, close to one primary school, Community Primary School Egbeada, there is a particular refuse around that spot. I wish the governor would concentrate on that area. On the major roads, Mbaitoli-Orlu road and Ugbaku-Onitsha road, refuse is no longer present.’

Concerning the markets in Mbaitoli, she emphasised the need for attention, saying, ‘For this tenure, I wish that the governor would look into the markets. We have major markets in Mbaitoli, and those markets, no one cares to remove the refuse. Markets like Nkwo Ubommiri, Nkwo Orodo Market, Orie Ama Umunuoha Market, Orie Ugbaku Market, Afor Obazu Market, and Orie Mbieri Market have refuse in them. The governor needs to build toilets in all the markets. Though UNICEF has built three functional toilet units in Nkwo Orodo Market, there are no toilets in other markets. We are calling on the government to come to the aid of those markets for the people so that they will stop indiscriminate defecation.’

Switching to the topic of water schemes in Mbaitoli, Mrs. Iwu Leticia expressed gratitude for the ongoing rehabilitation efforts, stating, ‘In terms of water schemes in Mbaitoli, we thank the governor. Since last year, he has started rehabilitating the water schemes in Mbaitoli to make wash facilities more active in communities with water schemes. The people are happy because the governor has rehabilitated those water schemes. The rehabilitation of water schemes in Mbaitoli is a project the governor has started working on. He even sent some Sure Wash personnel from the government house to take care of those water schemes which were not functioning. According to them, it is the next project the governor has in mind to address the water schemes in Mbaitoli.’

Mrs. Iwu Leticia further praised the water supply in Owerri, saying, ‘In terms of water supply in Owerri, I enjoy the water board since the governor came in. At that time, when NEPA people went on strike, and there was no water, we never lacked water in our area because the government supplied us water through the water board. The best part is that the water is treated properly. I am a witness and partaker of the water. I give 100 percent kudos to our governor, His Excellency, Hope Uzodimma, for his efforts in ensuring proper water supply. I am living around Onitsha Road. Also, people resident in many areas within World Bank,and Akwakuma, enjoy the public water supply. All the people using the water board are saying thank you.’

Concluding her statement, Mrs. Iwu Leticia highlighted the often overlooked aspects of development, stating, ‘As one of the stakeholders in water supply and environmental health, I am very happy with what the governor has done regarding water supply in Owerri Municipality. People think that development is only roads and employment, but they don’t know that there are some developments that are silent, just like the water supply and keeping Imo State clean. I will conclude by saying that we, the environmental health officers, go for inspections to ensure that all households in Mbaitoli have toilets to avoid open defecation around the environment. And for toilets in the market, I sincerely ask the governor to provide toilets so as to avoid indiscriminate defecation.

In the effort to make Imo State cleaner and healthier, Governor Hope Uzodimma’s plans have made a big difference. The government and the commitment of the people working together have turned the state into a great example of what we can achieve when we all pitch in.

As we celebrate the good things happening with trash cleanup, keeping the environment clean, and making sure there’s enough water, it’s important to remember that the journey to making our state better is not finished. Instead of just being happy about the positive changes we've seen, let’s use this as a starting point to keep making things better.

Call to Action: We’re asking everyone who lives in Imo State to join in the monthly cleanups and to always dispose of waste responsibly every day. Your small efforts add up and help us create a cleaner and stronger community.

Additionally, we’re asking the government to keep supporting programs that help the environment and think about bringing cleanup efforts to rural areas. Giving important tools like graders and trucks to leaders in these areas will make our group efforts even more effective.


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